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Time is Short!

My friends I must tell you we now have the government that the founders warned us about. The question now is will the American people have the good sense to throw off this great evil.

I saw a lot of people who thought the Chinese balloon was a novelty, a sight to be seen. Not so, they were taking digital pictures and mapping out all the military bases. No, they were not helping the USA Defense Mapping Agency. Our government continually approves of evil. The globalists like Claose Swabb, George Soros, Bill Gates, and many others who are working towards a one world government and the communists poised to take down America are all working together. What awaits us in their eyes is slavery or death. I am a slave, a bond servant of Jesus Christ. I will stand for His name until my last breath. I am a patriot and I believe He paved the way for the founding of this great nation. To stand for a nation built on the rock is a just cause. God could bless America again, if we turn from our sins and repent, humble ourselves and obey His commandments. That means we must stand up against the evil, stop killing babies, let go of our selfishness, throw off homosexuality, and stop giving over our children in the government controlled school system and seek His will and to please Him instead of ourselves. Time is very short, the door to salvation is begining to close and will be shut forever. I beg you not to wait, time is already short, Draw near to the Lord while He may yet be found. He loves you and desires none to perish.

I love you all, may God bless you and keep you safe.

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Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 


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