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The Sin of Idolatry

Oh how far we have strayed. We have left the good doctrine, as the apostle Paul referred to it. The truth of the gospel is so glossed over, the foundations of our faith ignored or sometimes even rejected. When we will open our eyes and see that it’s not our will but God’s will be done! I realized this past week that there were things in my life that take more of my time than all my scripture reading and prayer time put together. My God please forgive me for my sins. I had forgotten one of my rules of thumb that I try always to remember. Anything that occupies more of our time than the time we spend with our Savior is leading us astray. That would be idolatry. A violation of the commandment. This I believe is Americas greatest sin. It’s a short distance from putting other things before the Lord to much greater sins. Our ego and desire for ourselves is much more than we can handle. So….. the answer is so simple, we must turn ourselves around and make our God and Savior the center of attention. With every step we take. We surely can’t expect that kind of relationship if we spend more time washing our cars than we do praying. So many people praying for God to restore our country, but He can’t do that without us changing our lives and submitting our lives to Him. I don’t think that our Lord is as interested in our country, as He is in the people of our country. Remember He would rather that none would perish. The bottom line is, give Him the praises and worship He deserves! Absolutely everything else in this world is of little value. So, want to know about the good doctrine? It’s in His words. Draw close to God, and He will draw close to you! The other part of the equation is humbly pray for His forgiveness. As you devote more of your time to Him, all the peripheral things in this life will fade in importance. William Wilberforce said “before we can change the world, we must first change ourselves! The transformation can only come through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He is our one and only hope in this life and the next. We all make a choice. Will it be the pleasures of this world, or will it be eternal life and glory as we spend endless ages with our God.

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1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 


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