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The Origins of Freedom

Updated: Jun 26

Freedom is not something that can be inherited or just comes to us as Americans. Freedom is earned and fought for. Each generation must fight to maintain freedom. You don't inherit it from your parents. It's not something that is just there for you because you deserve it. You don't just get by osmosis because of where you live or who you are. Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary defines it as follows : a state of exemption from the power or control of another ; liberty - exemption from slavery , servitude or confinement. Freedom is personal , civil, political and religious. Exemption from fate, necessity, or any constraints in consequence of predetermination or otherwise ; as the freedom of will; ease or facility of doing anything. I think that is a pretty good definition. Of course it is a pretty wide open definition. We know that there can't be completely unfettered freedom. That would most certainly be chaos. There must be limits. Even in scripture there are parameters and boundaries by which we must abide. True freedom comes only from God. That doesn't mean we are free to do anything. It is sad to say that the last couple of generations have not found themselves up to the task of maintaining our freedom. You can be absolutely sure that there have been those who have served, fought and died to protect us and our freedom. Unfortunately I must say that it is a very small percentage who have paid the price to keep us free. The largest number of Americans have been satisfied to live off the sacrifice of others. In many cases there are those among us who have intentionally worked to destroy our freedom. Alexis De Tacqueville who came to America during the revolutionary war, and seeing the fire coming from the pulpits, he said we were truly blessed by God , and that America was great because America good. If they ever stop being good, they will stop being great. Brothers and sisters America is no longer good or great. And we wonder why we are losing our freedom. America has lost her way because she has turned her back on God. As we continue to turn away from God, our freedom continues to disappear. We now find ourselves living under a tyrannical government that seeks complete totalitarian control. It's just as if you don't do regular maintenance on your vehicles, it slowly deteriorates until it doesn't run anymore. Proper maintenance to our freedom means daily submissions to God. We have ignored Him and gone our own way. We refuse to accept and live by His standards. We refuse to obey His laws and commands. Our founding fathers understood and they sacrificed everything in complete submission to God. There is a pathway back to freedom. 1 Cor. 3:17 ; Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. The only road back for America is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ! True freedom and liberty can only come through Him. We as Americans have failed miserably. We must immediately turn our hearts back to God. If we humbly ourselves to God and seek His forgiveness and submitting ourselves to Him, He may yet be gracious and forgive us our sins and heal and restore America. I must tell you that, it includes no longer tolerating evil among us. Homosexuality, transgenderism , drugs, violence, sexual slavery etc. We are surrounded by so much evil. We must draw a line in the sand. We can't take anymore. We must be willing to take back our country for the glory of our God. We must be willing to take back our country our cities and especially our churches. If our pastors, preachers and church leaders will not present the truth and call out sin and evil, then they don't belong in the pulpits. Please no more anticdotal stories and feel good messages. If we as the church are unwilling to put our house in order, we can't except to take back our towns , cities and ultimately our country. The choice is ours, freedom or slavery, life or death. Not only life or death in this world but also in eternity. The real choice is Jesus Christ or Satan. There are no other choices. Brothers and sisters I beg you, please join me in seeking God's favor and forgiveness through prayer, repentance and forgiveness. True forgiveness can only come through Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you and keep you safe.

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