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The Destruction of America/ The Salvation of Our God

We find ourselves living in an extremely dangerous world. Some of the things that make life in America so dangerous are transgenderism, infanticide, socialism, communism, LGBTQIA, pedophilia, social justice, woke society, and so much more. You would have to be either blind to not see the huge ripples and gaping holes in the fabric of our society. The evil influences all around us are doing everything possible to destroy us. Transgenderism and infanticide are a direct attack on our children and babies. It's designed to destroy the generation from possibly being raised up to be godly generation. They are not even trying to hide their intentions anymore. As an example, transgender day was proclaimed on resurrection day, the most holy of holy days for Christians around the world. The defilement and destruction of our children, our next generation, is paramount to their plans to destroy and control our society. Pedophilia is another way to defile our children. These are desperately evil people. These things are the kind of evil that comes up right out of the pit of hell. Our society has even normalized homosexuality and all the disgusting perversions that come from the LGBTQIA. They have pushed and forced their disgusting behaviors on us for over fifty years, until now it is widely accepted in our communities. If you speak out or don't give into their agenda, they will sue you, cause you to lose your job or business. They will literally pound you into dust. There are about 1,086,806 people had HIV since 2021. 36,126 people are newly diagnosed on top of that, and it's estimated that an additional 40,000 a year have been added every year since then. In most states it was illegal to pass HIV to another person knowingly. Since 2021 most states either don't enforce it or have repealed those laws. To add insult to injury, big pharma now produces drugs to help them be indetectable. I'm sure most of us have seen the commercials for these drugs. Next, we have the social justice warriors. By their standards I am an evil white man who deserve to have everything I own, my job, and all that I have worked for years to be taken away and given to someone else who doesn't care to work but is more deserving of everything I have. Believe me, they want everything, and they will have it if our government has their way. This brings us to socialism, communism and Marxism. Socialism and communism ultimately lead to Marxism. World War II is a perfect example. Adolf Hitler coming to power as a socialist very rapidly progressed through communism to Marxism. This gave him complete totalitarian control. There is no mistaking the evil that was perpetrated in that period of history. Our present government is on the same path. All of the perverts and perversions and evil I mentioned earlier in this article are the things they are using, the means to their end game. Karl Marx would refer to them as useful idiots helping to destroy our society. In order for them to take complete control, in order to force us into submission, they must destroy everything good in our world. They must demoralize us. Make us so desperate to survive that we will do anything they demand. We should probably brace ourselves for a long summer leading up to the election. Those in power have no intention of giving up that power. They will stop at nothing to ensure their continued control and more precisely the destruction of America. I know this paints a dark and bleak picture. There is a bright side to all this evil. This is much larger than the war on America. You must understand the full scope of this situation. This is a direct assault on and against our God. Those who are perpetrating all this evil are disciples of the prince of darkness, Satan You can be sure that he hates them too, and when they outlive their usefulness, he will destroy them as well. Most importantly this is a direct assault on our God and everything good in this world. It is time for us to wake up, acknowledge the truth and turn our hearts to God. We must intercede in prayer for our nation. We must humble ourselves before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We must come to him with repentant hearts, begging for His forgiveness. If we as God's people turn to Him in repentance, He may yet have mercy on us. Scripture clearly says "If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and heal their land." 2Chronicles 7:14

With all my heart I believe those words that come straight from the mouth of God. He is faithful even though we are unfaithful. America it's time to wake up and return to Him. With all my heart I beg you, please seek Him while He may be found. At some point the door will slam shut, and when it does it will be too late.

"The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace"

Numbers 6:24-26

My brothers and sisters I love you and will remember you always in my prayers. Be strong and Courageous!

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1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 


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