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Sola Fida - Faith Alone ?

Updated: Sep 22

Sola Fida, which means" faith alone" Is important because it is one of the distinguishing characteristics or key points that separate the true biblical gospel from false gospels. At stake is the very gospel itself, and it is, therefore a matter of eternal life or death. Getting the gospel right is of such a great importance that the apostle Paul would write in Galatians 1:9 "as we have already said, so now I say again, if anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned." Paul was, addressing the same question that sola fida addresses - On what basis is humanity, declared by God to be justified ? Is it by faith, alone, or by faith combined with works Paul makes it clear in Galatians and Romans, that humanity is "justified by faith in Christ, and not by observing the law " (Galatians 2:16) and the rest of the Bible concurs. Sola, fida is one of the five Solas is that came to define and summarize the key issues of the protestant reformation. Each of these Latin phrases represents a key area of doctrine that was an issue of contention between the reformers, and the Roman Catholic Church, and today they still serve to summarize key doctrines, essential to the gospel and to Christian life and practice. The Latin word sola means "alone " or "only " and the essential Christian doctrines represented by these crucial subjects: sola scriptura - Scripture alone, sola Fida - faith alone , sola gratia - grace alone, sola Christus - Christ alone, and sola Deo Gloria - for the glory of God alone. Each one is vitally important, and they are all closely tied together . Deviation from one will lead to error in another essential doctrine and the result will almost always be a false gospel, which is powerless to save. Sola Fida or faith alone is a key point of difference between not only protestants and Catholics, but between biblical Christianity, and almost all other religions and teachings. The teaching that we are declared righteous by God,( justified ) on the basis of our faith alone, and not by works is a key doctrine of the Bible and a line that divides most cults from biblical Christianity. While most religions and cults teach people what works, they must do to be saved. The Bible teaches that we are not saved by works, but by God's grace through his gift of faith, (Ephesians 2:8-9). Biblical Christianity is distinct from every other religion in that it is centered on what God has accomplished through Christ finished work, while other religions are based on human achievement. If we abandon the doctrine of justification by faith, we abandon the only way of salvation. Now, when a man works, his wages, are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation, however to the man who does not work, but trust God, who justifies the wicked, his faith, is credited as righteousness, (Romans 4:4-5). The Bible teaches that those that trust Jesus Christ for justification by faith alone, or imputed with his righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21) while those who try to establish their own righteousness or mix faith with work, will receive the punishment due to all who fall short of God's perfect standard. Sola Fida - The doctrine of justification by faith alone, apart from works is simply recognizing what is taught over and over in the scripture that at some point in time God declares ungodly sinners righteous by imputing Christ righteousness to them, (Romans, 4:5, 5:8, 19). This happens apart from any works, and before the individual actually begins to become righteous , this is an important distinction between Catholic theology that teaches righteous works are meritorious towards salvation and Protestant theology that affirms the biblical teaching that righteous works are the result and evidence of a born-again person who has been justified by God and re-generated by the power of the Holy Spirit. How important is sola Fida ? It is so important to the gospel message, and a biblical understanding of salvation that Martin Luther described it as being the article with, and by which the church stands. Those who reject solo fida, reject the only gospel that can save them, and by necessity Embrace a false gospel. That is why Paul so adamantly denounces those who taught lol keeping, or other works of righteousness and Galatians 1:9. Yet today, this important biblical doctrine is once again under attack. Too often solo fida is relegated to secondary importance instead of being recognized as an essential doctrine of Christianity which it certainly is. Consider Abraham, he believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness, understand then that those who believe are children of Abraham, the scripture forsake that God would justify the Gentiles by faith and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham all nations will be blessed through you, so those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham the man of faith. All who rely on observing the law are under a curse clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because the righteous will live by faith (Galatians 3:6-11). How Can Sinners be Righteous? First we're speaking of faith alone in relation to the doctrine of justification which is that we are accounted righteous before God . How can we sinners be righteous before God who is sinless and holy ? This is one of the most ancient questions can mortal man be in the right before God ? Can a man be pure before his Maker (Job 4:17) After all the apostle Paul later declared this universal truth "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God "(Romans 3:23) the way sinners like you and me can be righteous Before God is imputation, meaning, we are accounted righteous before God by God himself. The Merit of Jesus Christ: Second how is it possible for a holy and righteous God to account us sinners as righteous he can't just sweep our sins under the rug and forget that they're there like a child cleans his or her room he's holy and just and righteous sin must be punished the basis upon which God can make such a declaration is only for and because of the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ He fulfilled for us the law that we have broken he shed His most precious blood to make a sacrifice and sanctification for us he turned away God's wrath and indignation against us in his infinite wisdom God 'a Justice and Mercy met on the cross of Christ there His Justice condemned his own son so that He won't condemn us . There His mercy delivered us from his wrath. My brothers and sisters may the grace and mercy of our God and Father and His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be upon us all. Grace Alone Through Faith Alone and not by our own merits are we saved ! I love you all and will always remember you in my prayers.

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