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Self Defense and the Bible

We should be specific about a couple of definitions. Murder and killing. Two words with very different meanings and depending on the context they are used, can mean so many different things. In Noah Websters 1828 dictionary the definitions are as follows. Murder: The unlawful taking of human life, To kill a human being with premeditated malice. Killing: Depriving of life, To extinguish a human life. It can be plainly seen there is a difference. There can be no legal justification for murder. There is a much broader area of interpretation for killing. All murder is unlawful and punishable. Not all killing is unlawful. Through biblical precedent I will demonstrate with scripture that there is lawful killing and not only lawful but necessary as prescribed by God's word. As a starting place, let's look at capital punishment. Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds man's blood by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God, He made man." Before I continue, I must reaffirm my belief that God's Word is the ultimate authority, and we don't have the privilege of changing it or taking one part and leaving the rest. Either we believe scripture as the inerrant word of God, or we don't So what does the bible say about capital punishment? Numbers 35:30 "If anyone kills a person, the murderer shall be put to death on evidence of witnesses. Romans 13:1-2 " Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God." Romans 13:4 " For he (the government) is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain." These are just a few scriptures and there are many more to demonstrate the authority of the government to carry out the capital punishment, making it lawful killing. Let's move on to our main subject of self defense. We must first establish that there is only one law and that would be the law of Christ and responsible to God's word whether we like it or not. a good place to start is in 1 Timothy 5:8 "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." Many people believe that this verse only requires for us to provide food, clothing and shelter. I would contend that it goes much further especially for husbands and fathers. Protection from harm must be included. Self defense is not only proper to defend the life of your family, it is an obligation for a husband and father.

Luke 22:35 "And He said to them, but now whoever has a money belt is to take it along, like wise a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one." A Christian has the right to self defense (even lethal force), because of the responsibility to his family. Another area that is often debated is whether or not a Christian may be in law enforcement or the military. No where in scripture do we find separate laws for Christian and non Christian with regards to serving in the government, the military or in law enforcement or even self defense. If there were separate laws, then criminals should hope for mass conversion of police forces to Christianity. If you are ever being attacked or assaulted the last person you want by your side is a Christian. The idea that men who are not Christians can be soldiers and police officers to protect the Christian by doing that which a Christian himself cannot do, is about the most conveniently selfish and cowardly doctrine ever pronounced by good men. If we are to say that serving in the military, being a police officer or self defense is sinful, then wouldn't it also be sinful for us to call on them to do what we consider sin. The proper use of self defense has to do with wisdom and understanding. Jesus tells his remaining disciples, "If you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. Jesus knew that now was the time when his followers would be threatened. The bible never forbids self defense, and believers are allowed to defend their lives and that of their families. But the fact that we are permitted to defend ourselves does not necessarily me we must do so in every situation. Knowing God's heart through reading his word and relying on his wisdom that comes from him. Wisdom and discretion are imperative. Self defense is a serious heart issue. Each one of us must determine in our own hearts and minds what we believe what God is calling us to and what He is saying to us through His word. It is only through God's inspiration that we can truly know rigth from wrong on this subject. As for me, I have come to know that I have an obligation to serve and protect my life and families lives throughthe use of self defense up to and including lethal force. You must decide in your own heart what is right. If you wait until the situation comes, you will likely faint away. May God bless you and inspire you to know and understand the wisdom and truth that he provides. James 1:5-6 "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind."

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1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 


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