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Let All Things Praise The Lord

Updated: Aug 3

Psalm 150 is about offering praise to our God and King. I think we can all agree that our Lord and Savior is worthy of all our praise and worship. " Praise the Lord ! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet ; Praise Him with the lute and harp ! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance ; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes ! Praise Him with loud cymbals ; Praise Him with clashing cymbals ! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord ! The Hebrew word shir signifies singing, often with various musical instruments accompanying . It is most frequently as a participle meaning "singers" and as a summons - of oneself or of the entire world-to sing praises to the Lord. Singing is often associated with giving praise to the God. Songs are sung to the Lord to extol His great power and His mercy to His people. The verb halal is a common Hebrew word for praise. It may be used to exalt human beauty, but most frequently halal is used to praise God. It often occurs in the imperative, expressing an exhortation or command : Praise or Praise Him ! The most familiar example of the imperative is hallelujah ( meaning Praise the Lord ), a combination of halal and the divine name Yah. This presents a climax to the praises contained in the book of Psalms, commanding believers, the Israelites , the angels, Jerusalem itself , the heavens and finally every being that has breath to praise the Almighty God, the Creator of the universe. Now that I have explained praising the Lord, and we all must agree that our God is deserving of all our worship and all of our praises , can I get an Amen. So the next time you are working in the garden, cooking dinner, taking a shower, washing your car or all those things in life that you enjoy , sing praises to God ! If we enjoy music and singing and being sung to , then we should realize that our God takes great pleasure in our singing praises and worshipping Him in songs and hymns . Sing out and show your love to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things. He died so we could live! Your guitars, your flutes, your violins, pianos, drums, your voices: make a joyful noise to the Lord your God. Feel the joy and the closeness as you draw near to Him!

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