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Get Ready!

Get ready! If the U.S. crashes through the debt ceiling America will be in serious trouble! Stocks would plummet on the expectation of a wider economic downturn, as interest rates rise and investors pull funds out of the market to preserve their access to short-term cash. A banking sector already wary of making new loans on everything, could tighten up further. Moody’s Analytics has estimated that stock prices could fall by roughly one-fifth, wiping out $10 trillion in household wealth. The $46 trillion bond market would also suffer as the values of existing Treasury bonds collapse due to higher yields on new ones. Businesses would likely halt expansion, driving stocks down even more. If the standoff persists, the impact would quickly spread from financial markets to the broader economy. An instant recession could occur. A big spike in interest rates would make it harder to get a loan or start a small business. That could also crash the already cooling housing market. The most drastic impact might be a big pause in regular federal payments to tens of millions of American families, including seniors on Medicare and Social Security and people relying on food stamps. America could crash in multiple ways so fast we won’t know what hit us. A year from now America could look totally different if all this happens. Crashing through the debt limit would be just that easy for America to fall. God is waiting for you to repent of all your sins and turn to Him. Time is running out.

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1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 


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