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Entertained by Sin

Entertainment, we love to be entertained. There are so many means and types of entertainment. Most of all of them have been turned on us and used against us. T.V, movies, books, music, etc. Today I'd like to take a look at T.V and commercials and how they are being used to condition us to accept America's greatest sins. More specifically homosexuality and the sexually deviant lifestyle. Everywhere you turn now there is a disproportionate number of the sexually deviant in the majority of T.V shows and commercials and the numbers are on the rise. This is not a new phenomenon; it's been around for decades. That is why there is no outcry from the general public. We have been conditioned for years, desensitized to it. It started with scantily dressed actors, then it was language barriers broken. Little by little we have been led to where we are today. Why?

Their number doesn't reflect the real numbers in society at large. Why approximately 2% of the population is setting standards for everybody else. They are becoming more and more bold and open with the deviant lifestyles. Does anyone else see what is happening? The handful of righteous God-fearing people in Sodom and Gomorrah did not just wake up one morning and look around to discover 99% of their fellow citizens are engaging in sexually deviant lifestyles. No, this sinful lifestyle gradually infiltrated their culture and country a little bit at a time. Three decades ago, we thought as long as they weren't bothering us and as long as they stay in their closet it's ok. First two here, then four there, then six down the street. And now they have become a 100 times more militant, trying to force us to accept their sinful lifestyle. As their numbers have grown they have become more open with their deviant sexual relationships. Now they have joined with the socialist, Marxists, and communists and suddenly they are looking like a majority. Now they are changing the laws and social norms to allow them to flaunt their lifestyle. For example, there are commercials almost every hour promoting their lifestyles. One that comes to mind is the commercial for drugs that hide the symptoms of HIV, so that they can continue to have sex and pass on the disease to others undetected. It seems to me that it used to be a crime. It was considered a crime of wanton disregard! Every aspect of entertainment today is involved in the seduction and destruction of America. Hollywood, Television Producers, Nashville, Pro Sports, etc. They are all influenced by Global Elites, Government, and Communists. Just like Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, they're in our face every day trying to force us to accept their sin and be a part of it. They are trying to infect our children. In Sodom and Gomorrah, it continued until God could not find even 10 righteous souls. Then He killed each and every one of them except Lot and his family. He could do it again if he saw fit. America is headed to hell one perversion at a time. Please take every opportunity to shun evil and snatch back souls from the fires. We must stop watching and giving our approval. Please protect your children, they are the real target. They are all doing Satan's work, and he wants to defile the most innocent in our society. He doesn't want the next generation to be raised up to be godly and righteous. As Christians it is our responsibility and duty to stand up for righteousness according to God's will. Speak out against the evil and turn away from the sin. Who has the courage to stand in the name of Christ. Will we have the courage to stand against the evil of the day?

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you! He will never leave you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

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