Daughters a blessing from God
Having grown up in a home with two sister, no brothers, and it wasn't a Christian home so it took me a minute to realize the value of women and God's purpose for them. I was not taught to love and cherish them as a treasure and a blessing from God. I didn't find out right away that woman was created to complete man. In His infinite wisdom God the Father knew that even with a godly man in the home, that the woman would be a major part of the spiritual back bone of the family, especially where raising the next generation is concerned. Which brings us to the subject of daughter. If we don't start by loving, cherishing and raising our daughters to fear God and to place their faith in Christ, the chain will be broken. I want to start with a list of what the Bible says about women and daughters. This is a list of what the Bible says are the attributes of a godly woman: reverent behavior, not a slanderer or gossip, teacher of good things, discreet, chaste, modest, homemakers, obedient to their husband, love their husband and children, gentle and quiet spirit, and most importantly love and obey God. In order for a woman to achieve all these attributes it starts when she is very young. She must be loved, nurtured and protected to flourish. They will bloom like a rose in spring when loved and cultivated in the admonition of the Lord. It takes a father and mother willing to submit themselves to God's will for their children's lives. A father is to love and respect and demonstrate a proper relationship, in this way a daughter will know how she is to be loved and protected, and so should remain in her father's house under his protection until she is given in marriage to a suitable mate that will sacrificially love and protect her for all her earthly life .Earthly fathers are supposed to be a reflection of the heavenly Father.
It takes godly men, mighty men of God to live out the gospel everyday and to transform our world for Christ. But it takes good godly women to raise up the next generation that will love and serve our God. All of this starts with our children. Our daughters are such a precious gift from God. Let us love them. Let us raise them as an offering to our God that He may bless them, and they might serve Him.
Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Ephesians 6:4 - You fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.